Sunday, December 14, 2008

My Operating Beliefs:

I list my beliefs because I believe that objectivity is a myth and that everyone can only see the world through their own "reality converter box".

Therefore, I feel answers lie in sharing our world views, not attempting to pretend they don't exist. Trusting that all points of view are equally valid.

We may never be able see things the exact same way, but variety is the spice of life, it may even be the point.

I believe...

consciousness, not matter, is the primary building block of our universe.

we are all fundamentally, immortal interconnected multidimensional energy beings that are focused, for the moment, on being human.

we all create and experience our own reality anew, every instant.

everything in our exterior reality are symbols we create to represent our inner psychic reality

all consciousness is limitless, and that the only reason we don't always see past the limits is that we're busy pretending there are limits, "playing" human and exploring that experience.

that consciousness creates consciousness, and each of our individual consciousness has ancestors and offspring we're not even aware of.

there is room for all religions. Regardless of what spiritual rituals, symbols, or deities speak to you, as long as you really believe in them, they're gonna work.

you can't do it wrong. Your experience is your experience, valid just the way it is. The only one who can judge it is you, and on that, I advise caution.

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