Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Awareness Rising...

Andrea Lyon over at The Seth Teachings Fellowship turned me on to these talks by Jim Self.

I found it really comforting to learn that there is a growing number of us who are sensing these changes, as evidenced by Jim's audience who obviously resonate with his message.

As I mentioned in my post on the fellowship, I not only enjoyed hearing Jim speak on the subject, but I really appreciate how he keeps things conceptual and doesn't try to quantify the information into third dimensional terms in any significant way.

I feel one of the lessons I have already learned from this blog, is that whatever this shift is, it means different things to different people. I think its vitally important in our understanding of what's going on, to leave room for the wide variety of interpretations and specifics which are necessarily different for each individual as we each translate it into our own reality.

I'm very interested in hearing YOUR impressions on Jim's talks.

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