Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pope sees rising tide...

OK, this one is good as gold as far as clues that something is afoot with human spiritual growth.

It seems the Pope of the Catholic Church is noticing that something is happening too, only he's taking steps to try to avert it.

Read: "Pope orders bishops to root out false claims of visions."

Is the sun setting on the Catholic Church?

If I am right about the dawning of a new level human consciousness, It only makes sense that any organized religion would react violently and attempt to cast individual experience in a negative and frightening light.

After all, it would mean that people would be "waking up" to the fact that there is no one between the individual and the divine, and would strike a death blow to the heart of any organization that claimed to be THE conduit to god.

Here's a key quote from this article that perked my ears right up:

"The Pope is said to be deeply concerned by the explosion in the number of pseudo-mystics who, claiming a direct line to God, set themselves against the bishops and lure the Catholic faithful out of the Church and into disobedient cults. "
I think its understandable that the pope would attempt to quash something that would destroy both his and his organizations power.

But to me, the mere fact that this "explosion" has come to the Pope's attention, is as close to proof that I'm gonna get that humanity IS on the brink of a new psychic awareness.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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